Unmet Christmas Expectations
What do you expect from Christmas? I don’t mean what presents do you expect, but what do you expect from the whole experience we have come to call Christmas?
What do you expect from Christmas? I don’t mean what presents do you expect, but what do you expect from the whole experience we have come to call Christmas?
People around the world are desperate for grace, truth, love, and hope. This Christmas, YOU can help them unwrap the awesome gift of Jesus by donating generously to Insight for Living Canada.
The virgin birth circumvented the transmission of the sin nature and allowed the eternal God to become a perfect man. He never sinned, which qualified Him to be a righteous substitutionary sacrifice for sinners.
Linking the two natures together in one personality, housed in one unique body, the God man Jesus was born. No less deity, no less humanity, in one person, in one body, forever.
God is fulfilling His promises to restore all things including broken hearts and lives and it’s exciting to hear stories of how God is using Insight for Living Canada in that.
Night after night I cried out my heart to God. Hadn’t this been what Hannah did and her prayers were answered? Wasn’t God listening?
The term “restoration” in Scripture, at times, has the greater connotation of receiving back more than has been lost so that the final state is greater than the original condition.
People come to this country in search of renewed hope and the promise of a new life. Hearing the Word of God through Insight for Living Canada can be part of their new beginning.
Psalm 139 stands out as one of the psalms that not only captures some of the most profound attributes of God but also how those doctrines ought to undergird the rhythmic meter of faith.
Jesus’ birth fulfilled the prophecies and promises of a Messiah who would come. This Advent reading plan will help you to better understand and appreciate these events and help you prepare for Christmas.