“A church is designed to reshape your life. It doesn’t mean that you have a place to sit on Sunday. It means you get your thinking challenged.” ~ Charles R. Swindoll
The church’s most attractive quality is unity under Jesus Christ. People from all races and social classes come together in Christ as ingredients in a cooking pot, creating a fragrant and irresistible aroma of Christ’s love. Loving one another means that we give and share with open hands rather than closed fists. What a worthy endeavour!
Romans 12:14-21 paints a picture of the church using peace as his base colour with pronounced shades of humility and blessing. Looking deeper into the Scriptures helps us discover God’s design for an attractive, life-giving church.
Paul’s letter to the Romans contains penetrating insights into God’s work through Jesus Christ while also specifying how we should respond to the Gospel with the Spirit’s strength. Throughout Romans 12, Paul gave us these specifications in the form of precise commands.
Romans 12 shows us how to apply to our lives the doctrine of Romans 1 to 11. Paul inspired us toward unity by giving us an action to practice (Romans 12:15) and an attitude to maintain (12:16). Take a moment to reflect on your life. Are you able to connect with others by weeping when they weep or rejoicing when they rejoice? If this isn’t a healthy habit already, what would it take for you to make this a practice in your relationship?
Father, thank You that You don’t return upon us wrath and justice when we commit crimes against You and others. You love us. You sent Your Son to die that we might live in Him. How radical are Christ’s ways compared to the ways of the world! We pray for strength to live radically for Him because it is the good and right way and because we know that You are for us and not against us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
“Looking Deeper into Our Church” is from Chuck Swindoll’s series Loving One Another. You can stream this message online anytime at insightforliving.ca/audiolibrary.