What You Never Expected
Many of us are currently enduring a crisis. Yes, crisis changes the course of our lives. But what we often forget is that the changes can open doors to a life better than what would have been if the crisis had not happened.
Many of us are currently enduring a crisis. Yes, crisis changes the course of our lives. But what we often forget is that the changes can open doors to a life better than what would have been if the crisis had not happened.
The term worry is derived from the old German word wurgen, which means "to choke." Somehow, by extension, the word came to denote "mental strangulation," and, finally, to describe the condition of being harassed with anxiety.
For Bounds, prayer was as natural as breathing. He said, “Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty.”
To summarize Scripture, the issue is not that possessions are wrong. It’s our attitude toward them. It is the LOVE of money and things that Scripture condemns. Anything we trust in besides God is an idol.
The problem is lost hearts that are asleep toward God and need to be spiritually awakened. Even some professing Christians are in a spiritual stupor. There’s only one thing that can bring about a real change.
Demons cannot possess a believer. They do not have the authority to do so. The believer belongs to Christ, and neither Satan nor his demons can reclaim one who belongs to the Lord.
As we continue to faithfully seek Him day-by-day, week-by-week, and month-by-month, let us not grow weary and like Hudson Taylor be strong and courageous remembering the Lord our God goes with us and He will never leave or forsake us.
No matter who you are or where you are—regardless of what you have been through, what you are going through, what is going on around you, or what is going on in our world—you can live a meaningful life of faith aimed after the heart of God.
Children learn by repetition. You have to do it over and over until it’s habit. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a lasting legacy is worth a million. Do you have any legacy stones in your life right now? If not, it’s time to create a few.
The word holy means “set apart” for a specific purpose—like the linen and silverware you use only on holidays. As a place where the truth about God and His Word is modelled, your home can be a holy place—set apart for His children to grow.