In Defence of the Helpless
It is time we speak up in defense of the helpless. The innocent victims of sexual abuse need a safe place to share their stories...and they need direction toward the emotional and spiritual healing found in Jesus Christ.
It is time we speak up in defense of the helpless. The innocent victims of sexual abuse need a safe place to share their stories...and they need direction toward the emotional and spiritual healing found in Jesus Christ.
God in His grace is patient with us. He’s definitely not out to whack us every chance He gets. But as believers who walk in relationship with Him, we should expect to see some positive outworking of our faith in our lives. It’s in that spirit that we aim for an attitude of praise.
We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences. We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences.
For more than 35 years, God has blessed Insight for Living Canada with faithful friends like you who have committed to partner with this ministry. As a result, God’s Word has been preached and lives have been changed.
When we see the bigger picture of God’s plan for us through Jesus Christ, we can’t help but give thanks. God has given us so many blessings through Christ. Yet, they present only a foretaste of what we look forward to when He returns!
A hero of the faith who encourages me to pursue the Lord through His Word is Puritan Pastor Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan Edwards was born on October 5, 1703, the son of Esther and Timothy Edwards who served as a minister in Connecticut.
It can be difficult to balance the here and now with what’s next, but the good news is God has already given us the tools we need to make a wise decision. Here are three ways I’ve learned to focus on what really matters when making decisions.
The greatest communicator of all time, Jesus Christ, used stories to communicate the truth about God, our lives, and our world. He often chose to employ stories when faced with a diverse crowd of people, hungry for His teaching.
After you’ve gotten to know this biblical person in their world, you can see your own experience mirrored in the character’s tests of faith and discover universal principles and applications for your life today.
God created us and gave us principles to live by in His Word. Ignoring Him and these truths as Marxism does only results in death and destruction. This man-made ideology has always failed to bring about good in our world and always will.