The Art of the Listening Heart
If I am going to lead others I must connect with them. Listening is connecting. Connecting is the key to influencing. Influencing is leading. If I don’t listen then I don’t connect and I won’t lead.
Email. Internet. Video. Texting. Tablets. Smartphones. The list never ends, does it? As technology advances, real human connection becomes harder and harder. If we’re not careful, each new gadget can draw us further away from the family of believers God designed us to be.
If you want to experience a close community with other Christians, you must first escape the trap of superficiality and to develop tight bonds that will feed your soul and mature your spiritual family.
If I am going to lead others I must connect with them. Listening is connecting. Connecting is the key to influencing. Influencing is leading. If I don’t listen then I don’t connect and I won’t lead.
Thinking about my own life, I wonder if I’d be more effective if I was more intentional about what my influence will be. Would my relationships bring glory to God? Would I empower others to choose right over wrong? I hope so.
If pornography has a death grip on your marriage, we want to help you give your valentine the gift you both need: change.
Love is a core attribute from which with other attributes such as grace, mercy, and kindness flow. It is a term that must be held in balance and understood in the context where it is used.
Does my online profile bring glory to God? Our lives should reflect our hearts, and if our hearts and minds are fixed on God, then it will filter down into every aspect of our lives—including our virtual lives.
As Scripture fills my mind, something changes deep within my heart. I quit focusing on my burden, I stop comparing, and I start considering the load another may be carrying.
Family relationships are bound to strain at times and in many cases fracture, leading to feelings of failure and guilt, but there is a way to repair and rebuild damaged relationships—whether or not we’ve chosen them.
People, including Christians, are confused about forgiveness. The Bible speaks mostly about God’s forgiveness of us and doesn’t say much about how forgiveness between people works.
Building a protective barrier around my emotions and self isn’t exactly what Jesus calls me to—in fact His instructions are quite the opposite. Love your neighbour as yourself.
True wisdom originates from outside our rashly impulsive natures. Wisdom comes from God Himself—straight from His heart...through His where we live.