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Email. Internet. Video. Texting. Tablets. Smartphones. The list never ends, does it? As technology advances, real human connection becomes harder and harder. If we’re not careful, each new gadget can draw us further away from the family of believers God designed us to be.

If you want to experience a close community with other Christians, you must first escape the trap of superficiality and to develop tight bonds that will feed your soul and mature your spiritual family.

Videos on this Topic

Act Medium

What can we learn from the rules of a kids' clubhouse? Chuck Swindoll challenges us to be “right-sized” in this month's Video Insight.

Get Right

Have you done someone wrong? To do nothing to right a wrong complicates your life, adding heavier mental weights than you're capable of carrying.



Most of us don’t mind helping someone out when we’re asked. But asking them for help can be much harder. Chuck Swindoll explains how seeking help can be really smart.

Coming Alongside

Why does the Bible tell us not to go it alone but to stay in close touch with others? Chuck Swindoll reminds us of the benefits of having friends—and of being one.