How to Forget Bad Memories
Bad memories usually revolve around two kinds of experiences: those involving a traumatic or painful incident, and those involving people who have hurt us in some way. Is there a way to forget painful memories?
Bad memories usually revolve around two kinds of experiences: those involving a traumatic or painful incident, and those involving people who have hurt us in some way. Is there a way to forget painful memories?
Environmentalism, as a movement, is an alternative worldview to Christianity. Environmentalists are generally evolutionists, or pantheists, and believe that there is no personal Creator.
Egalitarianism used to mean that all people are equal with respect to social, political, and economic affairs. But today, socio-political philosophy says all people are equal and deserve equal treatment in all things, and inequality must be removed.
My hope is that when the great cloud of believers past and future look at our era and the part we played they will say we were faithful—that we too served God’s purposes in our generation.
God sees and knows our shortcomings. And that is why we daily need His undeserved favour—grace. In spite of us, His infinite love is unconditional. Our relationship to God is not based on our perfection, but on Christ’s.
We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences. We also have racism because we live in a sinful world that has taught us to compare the outward differences.
For more than 35 years, God has blessed Insight for Living Canada with faithful friends like you who have committed to partner with this ministry. As a result, God’s Word has been preached and lives have been changed.
God created us and gave us principles to live by in His Word. Ignoring Him and these truths as Marxism does only results in death and destruction. This man-made ideology has always failed to bring about good in our world and always will.
Is one sin worse or greater than another? Isn't all sin the same in God's eyes? Many have asked this question, me included. To find the answer we have to consider several truths.
From a pluralist’s standpoint, the exclusivity of Jesus as the only way of salvation is intolerant. It assumes the existence of absolute truth, that it may be known, and it delegitimizes all competing religious claims.