Dear friend,
Have you heard of influencers?
An interesting development in the world of social media has been the rise of so-called influencers. Many of these are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. Some just have big flashy personalities.
They make regular posts on their preferred social media channels, such as Twitter or Instagram, and generate large followings of people who pay close attention to their views. Because of their authority, knowledge, position, or personality, they have the power to influence the decisions other people make.
You might not be involved with social media and the idea of being a social media influencer may not interest you at all. But what if I told you that you could be a different type of influencer who could change someone’s life for good and forever?
In the pages of Scripture, we meet one such influencer. His name is Joseph, nicknamed Barnabas meaning “son of encouragement.”
Barnabas was someone who influenced others in a variety of ways. As far as we know he didn’t have any particularly significant authority, knowledge, or position. I doubt that he had a big flashy personality. Instead he was an encourager. He spoke words of encouragement and lent his credibility when he stood up for others like Paul and John Mark.
He was also an influencer in the way he used his resources. He gave generously to help the fledgling early church. In Acts 4:37 we read he “sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet” (NIV). What a boost that must have been to those church leaders. Others did the same to help those in need and this greatly encouraged the growth of the church.
The same still holds true today. Through your financial gifts to Insight for Living Canada you become an influencer like Barnabas, encouraging growth in churches and the lives of believers who are in spiritual need.
Are you a present-day Barnabas wanting to influence spiritual growth in others?
I also find it interesting that Barnabas placed the money at the apostles’ feet. This was a gesture of trust. He trusted them to distribute the money as they saw fit. He trusted them to be good stewards of the funds he gave.
If I may apply this to our day, when you give to Insight for Living Canada, I know you give it with trust. You trust us to carefully and transparently steward those funds in the teaching of God’s Word across Canada. And we do exactly that.
One final thought I have about Barnabas’ influential gift is that God recorded it in the Bible. The Lord saw it, noted it, and gave it to us as an encouragement to be influencers like Barnabas too.
God isn’t writing any more Scripture but He still sees and knows how we use the resources He has given to us. And He will reward accordingly.
You and I may not have the authority, knowledge, position, or personality that will influence people directly. But we can be influencers for spiritual growth by being givers. And impacting others for spiritual growth is the best kind of influence anyone can have.
Serving with you,
Steve Johnson
Executive Director
PS Send your financial gift to Insight for Living Canada today to influence growth in others through the teaching of God’s Word.