Life is Like Hockey
Misunderstandings can easily lead to broken relationships. Before this happens do your best to come to a resolution. Then graciously forgive. And move on.
Misunderstandings can easily lead to broken relationships. Before this happens do your best to come to a resolution. Then graciously forgive. And move on.
Peer into the future with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through his exposition of 2 Peter 3:7–13. Along the way, he boils down prophecy as inspiration to live for God today.
Our actions should match our words. It’s only when we’re honest with ourselves and with God can we begin to overcome hypocrisy.
If you’re jealous or overprotective of your spouse you risk smothering. True honouring is the opposite—honouring allows your spouse to be free to be his or her own person.
Whether expected or not, crossroads are always life changing. In those uncertain times be sure of this: God is ultimately and uniquely trustworthy.
Be comforted by the teaching of Pastor Chuck Swindoll and find reassurance in the timeless truths of Scripture. Remember that God will one day eradicate the wickedness that darkens His good world.
Prejudice is a learned trait, but it can be unlearned. It takes a renewed mind to remove the blinders of prejudice and see people for who they are...instead of what they look like.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll reminds believers of the centrality of biblical truth and the necessity to handle it responsibly.
Jesus said a number of things that, at face value, lead us to believe that with faith we can do anything. That all sounds great but there seems to be another side to this that suggests even with faith, we can’t do everything.
As time passes a marriage can easily become neglected. And neglect makes it susceptible to harmful influences. But a marriage that’s given care and attention, thrives. The honeymoon doesn’t have to end!