Dirty Water, Prohibition, and the Bible
The city of Ephesus, where Timothy lived and ministered, boasted a freshwater delivery and sewage removal system complete with aqueducts and terra cotta pipes for distribution and disposal at sea.
The city of Ephesus, where Timothy lived and ministered, boasted a freshwater delivery and sewage removal system complete with aqueducts and terra cotta pipes for distribution and disposal at sea.
Pride can lead to an independent attitude, leaving little room for acknowledging one's needs or accepting another's attempts to give. Grace that is really amazing is grace that is truly accepting.
Esther’s commitment to God and ability to do what seemed impossible gave me hope. My weight problem seemed small compared to what Esther faced. If she could do what needed to be done, so could I.
The question of how much Christians should focus on health and fitness isn’t just theoretical. I look around and I see more health and fitness issues than ever.
Horizontal grace is our giving to God and to others. We don’t do it to reciprocate but simply because where there is grace there must be giving.
Grace is the oil that decreases domestic friction and prompts us to release our partners to be all God would have them be, all the while affirming one another in an atmosphere of unconditional love.
At Insight for Living Canada, we’re on a mission to proclaim God’s truth in simple, clear terms. But we cannot accomplish this alone.
Grace is a great need among all of us who minister in any capacity as members of the Body of Christ seeking to fulfil our callings as followers of Jesus Christ.
The shining light of Christ’s gospel is the hope of Resurrection for all who believe in His name. Two principles emerge from Christ’s miraculous Resurrection.
Some people believe in Christ as Saviour and yet their lives remain graceless. Ask yourself, "Am I one of them?" Keep your answer in mind as we discover the impact grace can make in a person's life.