February 2019 Ministry Letter
We are 100 per cent committed to proclaiming God’s grace...and 100 per cent of the work we do happens through the generosity of people like you.
We are 100 per cent committed to proclaiming God’s grace...and 100 per cent of the work we do happens through the generosity of people like you.
Joshua's journey had come to an end and he poured out his soul to his people. He was deeply concerned about their willingness to compromise their convictions and co-exist with the Canaanites. And so, Joshua delivered his final message of warning.
Chuck’s wooden pulpit at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas, bears a hand-carved Bible overlaid by a sword. That symbol speaks to Chuck’s answer when asked how he feels behind the pulpit. “I feel invincible.”
Some people are much older at 40 than others are at 70. Why? Attitude! To build up attitude muscles, forget your age, focus on your goals, and remember to follow your God.
Romans 12:14-21 paints a picture of the church using peace as his base colour with pronounced shades of humility and blessing.
Not only does God know all that is done, He ultimately exposes the truth so that all will know…and the consequences are often tragic.
Psalm 119 reveals three amazing promises that God fulfils in you when you feed yourself His Word. Verse 98 holds the first: “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies.”
Life is full of overwhelming impossibilities. So how do you stand toe-to-toe with your opponent and do battle? You do it with the only weapon available to us: faith.
God’s work is sacred. So when a person engaged in ministry repeatedly defies God’s high and holy standards, that individual is to be removed.
Changes are tough. And they were tough for the Hebrews when Moses passed off the scene, and they had a new leader to follow.