Resource Library


Are you crowded by clutter? Is your life jammed with junk? Are the good things keeping you from the best things? In this brief video, Chuck Swindoll encourages you to simplify your life. It’s worth the effort!

Beyond the Broadcast: What If You Struggle With a Permanent Disability?

Shame and pride keep our disabilities safely tucked out of sight. In shame, we fear the humiliation of finger-pointing when others see our weaknesses, and in pride, we suppose that a show of perfection will elevate us to heights of success and acceptance.

The Love of God

The popular notion of God, as if He were a benign, aging grandfather, sitting passively in heaven—affable, lenient, permissive, and devoid of any real displeasure over sin because He loves us—cheapens God's love. It doesn't uphold the value of His love. In truth, looking into God's heart to discover His love is to discover His other attributes as well.
