Making a Positive Difference
Think for a moment about the people you’ve known that have made a positive difference in your life. Leaving a legacy of helping others and making a difference is something we can all do.
Think for a moment about the people you’ve known that have made a positive difference in your life. Leaving a legacy of helping others and making a difference is something we can all do.
In this special interview with Insight for Living Canada's executive director Steve Johnson, we ask him about his most recent ministry letter and why the message is so important for us to hear today.
Other biblical writings tell us a lot about what God does, but 1 John focuses on who God is.
An allegory is an extended metaphor in which the characters are symbols representing other things. While a typical parable is told in order to teach one important matter, an allegory teaches numerous hidden truths throughout the story.
The first four verses of I John, which serve as a preface to the letter, represent a grammatical knot.
We often expend too much energy hiding our weaknesses in order to win the approval of others. Chuck Swindoll encourages us to let the truth shine through!
All people need to hear the message of God’s lavish, extravagant, and unconditional love. That is why Insight for Living Canada exists and why your prayer and financial support is essential.
As painful as it is to let go of God’s good gifts, the process of releasing opens our hands to receive the greatest reward—the Giver Himself! As we internalize this biblical account, let’s anchor in our hearts the faithfulness of God who is our Provider.
The Apostle John hoped to revive his younger readers to return to an authentic, contagious walk with Christ.
Many spiritual truths are difficult for us earth-bound people to grasp. We relate much better to things we are already familiar with in everyday life. To help people understand spiritual truth Jesus used parables. And He used a lot!