It's God's Signature Piece
How is the title "God's Masterwork" indicative of how Chuck Swindoll views Scripture? Chuck explains how an artist's masterwork reveals their mind and heart.
How is the title "God's Masterwork" indicative of how Chuck Swindoll views Scripture? Chuck explains how an artist's masterwork reveals their mind and heart.
A positive attitude makes sacrifice a pleasure. When the morale is high, the motivation is strong. When there is joy down inside, no challenge seems too great. The grease of gusto frees the gears of generosity.
Maybe you've felt the terrifying grip of fear, anxiety, and worry. Banishing these peace-stealers requires understanding and learning what the Bible teaches about them.
We think of the honeymoon as the beginning of the marriage—that initial burst of physical love—that period of passionate ecstasy between the wedding ceremony and the return to the normal responsibilities of everyday life. Nothing is wrong with thinking about the honeymoon in this way. But it does imply that the honeymoon is only for newlyweds and is only temporary.
Moral foundations almost always collapse through slow erosion. But once they collapse, not even mighty men can stand.
It’s not the bait that constitutes sin; it’s the bite! Joseph understood this and refused to let his desire run wild when Potiphar’s wife enticed him to sin. We want to understand why and how Joseph said no when lust’s offer was pleading for him to answer yes.
My mom made her share of mistakes, but as I celebrate the first Mother's Day without her around, I'd like to tell you four reasons she was just about perfect.
Sexual promiscuity is neither new nor novel. It is as old as humanity, always promising more than it can deliver. More palatable words have replaced the obsolete and ugly ones. Inviting terms cause the ugliness of illicit sex to be veiled in mystery, fascination, and excitement.
Esther exhibited a grace-filled charm and elegance. In Esther 2:9, the literal translation of the original language says, “She lifted up grace before his face.” Isn't that a beautiful expression?
Being in love is not quite as easy as we once thought when we were little girls, is it? As Christians desiring to honour God we are called to live holy lives. Does this include our romantic relationships?