David Brainerd
David Brainerd’s life is a powerful testimony that God uses us even when we are weak, sick, discouraged, and lonely. Despite all his struggles, he never gave up his faith or his calling.
David Brainerd’s life is a powerful testimony that God uses us even when we are weak, sick, discouraged, and lonely. Despite all his struggles, he never gave up his faith or his calling.
Instead he suggests asking ourselves a question when something negative happens: What does this experience make possible?
We think of promotions as a positive thing and they usually are, but promotions can also bring devastation to your integrity. Remember when you’re promoted it came by God’s sovereign grace.
“How does a person get wisdom? I realize we are to be men and women of wisdom, but few people ever talk about how it’s acquired.” His answer was quick and to the point. “Pain.”
Want more joy in your day? Cultivate it! Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective. With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today differently—with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.
Complaining never happens solo. When you complain, you not only discourage yourself but those around you. Listen to yourself today. Are you impacting those around you with complaints or with encouragement?
Perspective is a wonderful thing. It helps us when we look at the familiar and with fresh perspective see something we’ve never noticed before. It changes our thoughts and our behaviour.
In reality, we all come before the mirrors to do business! We gaze hard in that painfully honest reflection with the purpose of doing something about what we see.
Joy—it makes people wonder at your secret. Yet joy is no secret to the trusting Christian. When we choose to grow closer to God, resting in His character and provision, joy spills over into our lives so that others can’t help but notice.
We shouldn’t be surprised at suffering—we should expect it. Suffering shapes us and matures our character.