Love Poems
Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require nurturing. Doing something as simple as writing a poem or even a note expressing your love can be the first step in rekindling that romantic spark.
Strong marriages don’t just happen. They require nurturing. Doing something as simple as writing a poem or even a note expressing your love can be the first step in rekindling that romantic spark.
Ephesians 5:22-6:9 presents unfamiliar, often unexplored territory in the oceans of marriage.
Children need the loving limits of guidelines and boundaries, that’s why discipline is so important. Discipline tells children their parents love them too much to let them rebel.
Satan uses the weapons of lies and deception to attack, blind, and hold people. Engaging in evangelism means engaging in spiritual hand-to-hand combat for the souls of men and women, boys and girls.
No matter what kind of home you came from, it is not too late to start doing right in that all-important parent-child relationship.
Let's take a look at what the book of Ephesians has to say about your place in the workplace.
Dads, what will your legacy be? It’s never too late to make positive changes. Your godly influence will impact your family for generations to come.
No one’s upbringing was perfect, least of all Chuck Swindoll’s. His childhood reminiscing has some good lessons for parents.
Thankfully, God has graciously given us the means to defend ourselves against the attacks of the Evil One, a topic Paul raised near the end of his letter to the Ephesians.
Constant activity is not necessarily a sign of spirituality. It may even be a distraction from enjoying God. He’s looking for our hearts to delight in Him before and during our service for Him.