What Families Need to Thrive
Ephesians provides six essential disciplines that reinforce healthy models of relating, necessary for a happy marriage and a happy family.
Ephesians provides six essential disciplines that reinforce healthy models of relating, necessary for a happy marriage and a happy family.
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is foundational to the doctrine of the universal church, the earthly body of Christ. It is here we learn of spiritual gifts and their purpose in the church, the proper relationships between family members at home, and the armour of God for His people. No serious student of Scripture remains ignorant of Ephesians. Its insights, principles, and practical admonitions are essential to our growth toward Christian maturity.
Paul's letter to the Ephesians provides us with a higher perspective—a new vision of our purpose and calling as the body of Christ and how we are to live it out.
Have you ever seen a dog reach the end of his leash? Once he does he comes straight to a halt. We all reach the end of our own figurative leashes with each other and with God at one point or another. The good news is God will always forgive us and always extend His grace to us, no matter what. We just need to accept it. Now shouldn’t we do the same with others?
Despite messing up time and time again, God still lavishes His grace on us. And because we’ve been given so much grace we need to pass it on. Every day there are opportunities to show grace—everyone needs grace.
God lavishes his grace on us and there’s nothing we can do to pay Him back. Admit your need for God and claim His free gift of grace today.
God designed the Scriptures to nourish us and to penetrate every cell of our souls. He wants the words to fill us and become part of our deepest being. The book of Ephesians is no exception.
In this message Chuck zeroes in on some of the unseen spiritual blessings believers in Christ possess to help us to deal with the tough things we all face.
Praying is usually one of the last disciplines we master. Have you found that true in your life?
The might that created Niagara Falls, that showered the earth with dazzling oceans, and that rolled the stone away from the tomb is at our disposal.