St. George and the Dragon
When you forgive someone, you free yourself. Forgiveness takes you out of the bondage of bitterness and you literally take out the trash that’s preventing you from enjoying all the blessings that God has in store for you.
When you forgive someone, you free yourself. Forgiveness takes you out of the bondage of bitterness and you literally take out the trash that’s preventing you from enjoying all the blessings that God has in store for you.
Forgiveness doesn’t come easily and often has conditions. But truly forgiving someone, with no strings attached, is one of the most liberating things you can do.
Living in a material world, and especially in capitalistic North America, the pressure to be caught up in materialism is enormous.
Whether you’re completing a university degree, harvesting potatoes, or planting a church, anything worth doing takes dedication and a lot of hard work.
Parenting is not to be taken lightly. As parents, we all have moments where we want to walk away or feel like we need a do over, but that doesn't happen. What does happen is our reflection in our children.
I’m wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. These 12 simple words can add a whole new dimension to your marriage. Humility is an attitude—of the heart and of the mind. It puts the other person first.
Procrastination, to paraphrase the dictionary, is a wilful delay of doing something that should be done. If I’m wilfully delaying paying my bills, then it’s as if I’m also doing this unto the Lord. So it’s wrong.
Are the attitudes of unselfish humility, joyful acceptance, strong determination, and genuine thanksgiving evident in the way you respond to circumstances? Maybe it's time to make some changes.
In his sermon on Colossians 4:2–6, Chuck Swindoll helps you make this divine checklist your own.
In this sermon, Chuck Swindoll teaches about the circle of friends who were in Paul’s life and the ways you might be a sheltering tree to those enduring a storm.