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The church at Colossae was under attack from false teachers who taught Jesus was not actually God. Paul addressed these issues head-on.

Read more about the book of Colossians.

Messages on this Scripture

Colossians: Christ, Our All in All

Colossians is the chart and compass, which will enable us to sail a straight course between the dangers of viewing Christianity as merely a philosophy and of making it a lifestyle of rigidity. How we need this little yet potent letter! Beset by gnostic heresy and harassed by Greek philosophy, the saints at Colossae were in danger of losing their way. Paul wrote to help them get back on course.

Unselfish Humility

Buckle up and keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times, because you’re about to go on the wildest ride of your life. This ride will involve time travel, taking you all the way past human history, the creation of Adam and Eve, and the beginning of the universe. This ride—this journey—will transport you to eternity past, to a time before time began. Are you ready? It’ll require you to use your imagination and think, but it’s a trip worth making.

Living by Faith

Colossians 2:6

Think of all the ways you act in faith every day: you trust pharmacists to fill your prescription correctly, you trust pilots to get you safely to your destination, and you trust contractors to build properly. The funny thing is, when it comes to having faith in the Creator, people are often amazed at the thought of believing in a God we can’t see.
