Four Feelings We Have About Aging
Instead of trying to stop aging, which is impossible, why not change the way you look at aging? Aging well has more to do with attitude than anything else.
Sin's curse results in physical deterioration and eventually death (Genesis 3:16-19). Aging is the accumulation of undergoing physical, emotional, social, and psychological changes throughout life. These changes can bring about loneliness, lack of purpose, guilt, self-pity, loss of friends, and limiting health issues. They become more problematic as we age.
Instead of trying to stop aging, which is impossible, why not change the way you look at aging? Aging well has more to do with attitude than anything else.
Virtually every week I come across folks who long for the simple life of yesteryear. But everything depends on one’s perspective.
Unless some of you who read these words stop and think and plan and start to execute essential goals, indifference, passivity, and procrastination will win another victory.
If you have grandchildren, you have a unique opportunity to invest in the lives of the next generation in your family. Never underestimate how significant your influence is!
So many start the Christian life like a lightning flash—hot, fast and dazzling. But how many people (aged 65 and over) can you name who are finishing the course with sustained enthusiasm and vigour?
Retirement is a time to try something new, like mentoring. Investing time in a younger person can be a rewarding experience. No matter your age, taking every opportunity that comes your way and using it wisely is a great way to live.
Something everyone agrees on is the key in life is change. And it’s not optional. Think about the last 10 years—you’re not the same person, are you? In fact, your life today compared to then probably doesn’t even resemble each other. That’s because of change.
Don’t wait until you reach some magical age to start enjoying life—start now! Don’t take a single day for granted.
Often those who are getting a little older think it is too late to do something significant. But that isn't true. It is never too late.
As we age we become more cautious and risk getting stuck in a rut. Becoming content with a tedious lifestyle of fear bordering on boredom isn’t living, it’s existing. Where in the Scriptures do you find “Don’t exert yourself?”