Resource Library

Speaking Truth

Sometimes we just can’t stay silent anymore when opposition to truth seems to reign. After praying for wisdom and boldness, Chuck Swindoll says it’s time to step in and speak up!

A Wise Person

Would you like to be wise? How can you avoid being foolish? In this month's Video Insight, Chuck Swindoll describes the differences between the wise person and the foolish person.

What Are You Doing to Fulfil the Great Commission?


Because of the clear, accurate, and practical teaching of God’s Word by Chuck Swindoll and the resources of Insight for Living Canada, thousands of lives have been impacted. People have responded to Jesus’ challenges. They have become disciples and they have engaged in the task of making disciples. 

Be Disciples Make Disciples


At Insight for Living Canada, we are committed to discipleship—both being disciples and making disciples. We know Chuck Swindoll’s clear, accurate, and practical Bible-teaching have helped thousands, if not millions, of Canadians understand how to understand and apply God’s Word to their lives. They have become disciples and they are making disciples.

Why did you choose the NLT for this Bible?


The New Living Translation is a very readable and trustworthy translation. Written in today’s language people will understand what it’s saying and therefore will have an easier time understanding what it means.

Who is this Bible for?


You don’t need a Bible college education or seminary degree to understand The Swindoll Study Bible. All of it relates to life as we live it, as we see it. Anyone from new believers to long-time churchgoers can use and understand this study Bible.

What makes your study Bible different?


God’s Word is relevant—but it’s also practical for our lives today. Chuck Swindoll’s goal in writing this study Bible is to make the complicated simple without being simplistic so anyone can grasp scriptural truth and deepen his or her walk with Jesus.

Why did you decide to write a study Bible?


God’s desire is that we’d learn His Word so that we’d walk closer with His Son. Chuck Swindoll has spent his entire life studying the Bible and he decided to share his love for it and what he’s learned along the way about it.

It's Your Ministry

Insight for Living Ministries is not Chuck Swindoll’s ministry—it’s yours. Sure it’s his voice you hear on the program every day and God has given him the platform to deliver, teach, and preach His Word. But this program would never get beyond our building without the support of people just like you. When you invest in Insight for Living Canada, thousands will get to hear the life-giving words of Christ. You see, it’s your donation that fuels your radio station, the podcast, and wherever people consume Insight for Living.
