Resource Library

Good Times


Certainly we need God near us when we feel down and needy. But Chuck Swindoll urges us to invite God into our fun and even our silly moments. God likes to laugh too.


Sometimes we’re not quite sure what to say to someone who’s going through a tough time. Chuck Swindoll says that massive doses of this will make a great start.

Pastor Chuck Swindoll | Fiscal Year-End Message 2021


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Provide rest for weary souls. If you feel led to give to Insight for Living Canada, please donate at

Help Fellow Christians Become More Like Jesus


One of the beautiful word-pictures in the New Testament is that of the church as a family.

Because of your prayers and financial support, and that of generous folks like you, we teach, encourage, and strengthen the family of God through our resources and programs.

By supporting this ministry, you are loving the family of believers right across Canada and helping your spiritual family become more like Jesus.

Keep At It

Those who watch you perform a skill have no idea how much time you’ve spent training first. Chuck Swindoll urges us to keep pushing toward excellence behind the scenes.

Take Time

Our children naturally need a lot of instruction from us. But when was the last time you just hung out with your child and listened to them? Chuck Swindoll recalls such a time.

He is God


How many years of walking with God and reading His Word does it take to finally figure out His ways and think like Him? Chuck Swindoll's answer may surprise you.

Coming Alongside

Why does the Bible tell us not to go it alone but to stay in close touch with others? Chuck Swindoll reminds us of the benefits of having friends—and of being one.

Empty Handed

Need a friendly reminder not to focus too much on the things you own in this life? Chuck Swindoll gives a description that will probably stick in your memory for a while.
