Attitude of Gratitude
Do you believe God is at work in your current situation? Chuck Swindoll explains how faith is strongly related to the attitude we have as we begin each day.
Do you believe God is at work in your current situation? Chuck Swindoll explains how faith is strongly related to the attitude we have as we begin each day.
Most of us can remember when someone’s well-timed words of encouragement made all the difference in our ability to press on. Chuck Swindoll urges us to pass the kindness on.
Are you free to proclaim the name of Christ where you live? Chuck Swindoll does not take that freedom for granted and encourages us to pray for more to hear the Gospel.
No family is perfect, including the family of God. But when God's family is functioning the way Chuck Swindoll describes in this video, others will want to join it!
Proclaiming life-giving hope and life-changing insight is an immense privilege and joy for all of us at Insight for Living Canada.
Every story of life-change thrills us. Each one represents a fresh outpouring of Christ’s mercy and grace, which He doesn’t have to give. We don’t take it for granted. We need His minute-by-minute blessing to be fruitful. At the same time, we remain confident that He will continue to bless our efforts. He has promised that His Word will not return empty (Isaiah 55:8–11).
When someone has hurt you through their words or actions, it's not easy to let go of the resulting bitterness. But Chuck Swindoll says it's not only possible—it's essential!
Want to know how to walk in triumph in a world that's lost its way? In this Video Insight, Chuck Swindoll gives three essentials to help you walk well.
Are you always able to tell when you’re veering a little off track? Is there someone in your life who will point it out to you? If not, Chuck Swindoll suggests you find someone.
Do you view the people crossing your path each day as a possible divine appointment? If you do, Chuck Swindoll says you can start your days with great anticipation.
Where do you have to go to hear God's voice and feel His peace and contentment? Chuck Swindoll describes one scene where you're not likely to hear what God's saying to you.