Saying Yes to God
Jesus asks for nothing less than your whole heart. Being committed to Him means saying no to your own desires, yes to what He wants, and nothing in between.
One thing quickly becomes apparent to anyone who reads the gospels, the pages of Scripture that contain Jesus' words and actions: no one who heard His words failed to react. Some who listened shook their fists at Him. Others marvelled at a depth of wisdom they'd never heard before. And some believed His words, choosing to follow Him. Whatever the reaction, no one left His presence unaffected by the encounter.
Jesus easily stands as the most influential person in history. Even today, millions call Him Saviour. Why? What was it about His short time on earth that shook the world so? What did He say to grab people's hearts the way He did? Why do so many believe in Him as the Son of God?
Embark on an eye-opening journey into the life and times of this carpenter from Nazareth. Just don't expect to be unstirred after your encounter with Jesus.
Jesus asks for nothing less than your whole heart. Being committed to Him means saying no to your own desires, yes to what He wants, and nothing in between.
Let’s focus our attention on what the Lord said in His Great Commission in Matthew 28:16–20 and learn what it means to live as a true disciple.
Jesus says if we build our lives on Him, when the storms of life come, we will stand. We can trust in His wisdom and power.
When a baby comes into our lives as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, or sisters, we rejoice in the magnificence of God’s gift of life. But how much more did the family rejoice in wonderment when the child was Emmanuel, God with us? When God took on human flesh at the birth of Jesus, He brought a wonder to the world that had yet to be seen.
Sometimes cast aside as a minor player in the retelling of the Christmas story, Joseph’s story mirrored that of his wife in many ways. He sat with her marvelling at this baby. He wondered about the baby’s origin. And yet, Joseph was forced to make a choice that not even Mary had to make. Where Mary carried the baby within her, Joseph had to choose to stay, to involve himself in the baby’s life.
Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” He set the ultimate example of love when He died on the cross to pay for our sins and have eternal fellowship with us. Jesus is our bridge over troubled water.
Pastor Chuck Swindoll explores how Jesus is the living water available for any who thirst and wish to take it! Study the last verses of the Bible with Pastor Chuck as he reviews Jesus’ promise in Revelation 22:17–21.
Understand John’s deep reverence as Pastor Chuck Swindoll teaches from Revelation 22:6–16. Heaven is a real place meant for everyone whose name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Overviewing Revelation 21:21–22:5, Pastor Chuck Swindoll paints a portrait of the heavenly city—a place emanating the goodness of the Creator. Like the garden of Eden, it’s the intended home for all believers where they can fellowship with God unhindered!
Journey with Pastor Chuck Swindoll through gates of pearl and onto streets of gold as he reviews Revelation 21:9–22. Take a deep dive into this unparalleled place where God’s glory and attributes are clearly on display. Glimpse eternity as you listen!