Growing Older
Although we’re living longer than ever before, one day our bodies will return to the earth and our spirits will return to God. Now is the time to remember Him in all our thoughts and deeds.
The Christian life is difficult sometimes, isn't it? God asks us to leave behind our selfishness and devote ourselves to Jesus Christ in the service of others. This journey has a clear beginning and an even clearer end, but its path is littered with dangerous obstructions and precarious curves. Thankfully, its destination provides lasting, eternal rewards.
Chances are you have experienced the difficulty of losing your way on the journey. We've all been tempted to stray, to step away from the fundamentals of authentic Christian living toward the more immediate fulfilments we desire for ourselves. But God calls us to a life devoted to studying the Scriptures, to prayer, and most important, to knowing Christ Himself.
Let these resources remind you that the goal isn't just reaching our heavenly destination but walking closely with Jesus as we get there.
Although we’re living longer than ever before, one day our bodies will return to the earth and our spirits will return to God. Now is the time to remember Him in all our thoughts and deeds.
Material gain will never satisfy your spiritual hunger. Neither will power, prestige, or success. If you pursue these things you may gain the world for time, but you could be forfeiting blessings in eternity.
In his sermon on Colossians 4:2–6, Chuck Swindoll helps you make this divine checklist your own.
Chuck Swindoll takes us through 12 verses in Colossians 3 to help us, very practically, display in our sphere of living the new life Jesus gave us.
Chuck Swindoll shares relevant advice so that Christians today might follow in the same path of devotion to God.
Come along with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and examine the life of aged Caleb, recorded in Joshua 14:6–14, to see how God can use anyone—regardless of age—to serve His mission!
Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he observes the account of Eli’s family preserved in 1 Samuel 1–4 and identifies the danger signs of a family spiralling into erosion.
Ephesians provides six essential disciplines that reinforce healthy models of relating, necessary for a happy marriage and a happy family.
Paul's grand treatise on agape in 1 Corinthians 13 describes love in practical terms that will help us express it effectively to our mates.
Learn from Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he carefully applies this passage to marriage and discusses the dangers of lying, unrighteous anger, theft, hurtful words, and lack of grace.