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The Psalms express worship. Throughout its many pages, Psalms encourages its readers to praise God for who He is and what He has done.

Read more about the book of Psalms.

Messages on this Scripture

The Truth That Set Us Free

To illustrate how God uses ordinary people, let’s travel back in time to a period of history called the Reformation. The Reformation’s heroes and battlefields may not be as recognizable as the American Revolution’s George Washington and Valley Forge. Yet the soldiers who led a religious revolution from the 1300s to the 1500s made a tremendous difference in what matters most to us—our understanding of God, the Bible, and salvation.

Modelling What's Humble

A silent battle rages in every one of us: the conflict between the sin of pride and the virtue of humility—the desire for significance versus the goal to be Christ-like. We should not be surprised that when God led the prophet Micah to tell us what He expects of us, He included “Walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Contrary to popular opinion, humility—not self-promotion—marks the path of a life well lived.

Staying Young

Psalm 71:18

Having an enthusiastic and joyful attitude is a great way to live and stay young. So whether you’re 25 or 95 quit thinking about your age and start living life with enthusiasm.

Strengthening Your Grip on Integrity

Though Christians should strive for personal integrity, we must remember that integrity does not equate sinless perfection. No one can achieve that goal in this life. A person with integrity doesn’t hide his or her shortcomings but confesses them to the Lord and to others. Let’s learn more about integrity in this lesson.

Losing Focus

Psalm 78:4-8

It’s easy to lose focus and get sidetracked by distractions. But when you stay committed to the task at hand—raising a family, strengthening your marriage, living a life of integrity— the rewards are immeasurable.
