Genesis: Where It All Begins
In this overview, we want to get a grasp on what the book of Genesis is saying, how it fits together, and where it leads us in the next scriptural scene.
In this overview, we want to get a grasp on what the book of Genesis is saying, how it fits together, and where it leads us in the next scriptural scene.
The book of Genesis tells the story of how God created the world—and it also tells us a lot about God Himself. If you’ve never read Genesis, you have a great read awaiting you.
The first sentence of the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” But to many that’s impossible. They believe the world just happened, without any reason, intellect, plan, or thought. The truth is everything around us is evidence that creation not only required great thought but a great Thinker.
Look in Genesis and Romans with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live as God’s image-bearer.
If you’re currently employed or were once engaged in the workforce, you understand what it means to answer to someone in authority over you. Since that’s true, you need no convincing of the value of a great boss…one who is caring, equitable, and respectful.
The air today is filled with the shrill cry of “my rights.” And in the centre ring of this loud arena is the home—more specifically, the marriage bond. Mate-swapping, group marriages, and living together without official marriage commitments are realities no longer carried out under the hush-hush blanket of shame and disgrace. Is monogamy an outdated concept?
When you look at the perfectly ordered universe, it’s hard to believe it just happened. Both science and history reveal an incredibly and intricately designed creation. And creation always requires a Creator.
Immediately upon the mention of the word “honeymoon,” most people picture a time of intimate romance and unrestrained physical affection between newlyweds. But God’s plan is for married couples to enjoy such delights without shame or reluctance until “death do us part.”
Do you give a person the freedom to be completely different from you? Or must we all sound, look, and respond alike?
Once the foundation of the marriage is firmly laid, six pillars should be built, which will give any family resilience to withstand the erosion caused by the influence of culture.