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Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament. Testament is another word for covenant. Covenants are prominent in the story of Genesis.

Read more about the book of Genesis.

Messages on this Scripture

Who Says the Honeymoon Must End?

We think of the honeymoon as the beginning of the marriage—that initial burst of physical love—that period of passionate ecstasy between the wedding ceremony and the return to the normal responsibilities of everyday life. Nothing is wrong with thinking about the honeymoon in this way. But it does imply that the honeymoon is only for newlyweds and is only temporary. 

Thoughts and Thinkers

Genesis 1:1

The first sentence of the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” But to many that’s impossible. They believe the world just happened, without any reason, intellect, plan, or thought. The truth is everything around us is evidence that creation not only required great thought but a great Thinker.
