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Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament. Testament is another word for covenant. Covenants are prominent in the story of Genesis.

Read more about the book of Genesis.

Messages on this Scripture

Cain: The Farmer Who Murdered His Brother

The story of Cain and Abel is tossed around rather generally in both Christian and non-Christian circles. Many folks are aware of the big picture aspect of the account—namely, that the older brother murdered the younger—but beyond that, little is known and even less is applied to everyday life. But woven within and between the lines of this amazing story are several insights that await our discovery.

Abram, the Great-Hearted

Sadly, in our fallen world, small-hearted people are the norm, making the few genuinely great-hearted people stand out all the more. Among their thin ranks stands Abram, who not only gave his short-sighted nephew the choicest land but also rescued him when his choice got him into trouble! We can learn a lot from Abram, the great-hearted.
