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First Corinthians

First Corinthians contains a frank discussion of the church and the issues that impacted real people in the first century.

Read more about the book of First Corinthians.

Messages on this Scripture

A Passion That Stays Balanced

Jesus certainly comes to mind when one thinks of passion, but so does another person in the New Testament: the Apostle Paul. He was a man with intense, driving convictions. His enemies would curse him, beat him, and stone him nearly to death, and he’d keep on preaching the gospel. He refused to run scared, to take it easy, or to play it safe. As long as there was breath in his lungs, the name of Christ would be on his lips, and the passion of God would throb in his heart.

Treacherous Temptations


Temptations are dangerous because they invite you to get in over your head. And if you accept the invitation you’ll find all your energy is spent just trying to stay afloat. When it comes to temptation the best plan of attach is a hasty retreat.
