In the end, God Wins...and We Win...When God Wins!
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
Insights magazine is designed to encourage, inspire, and instruct you in your journey of faith. Produced by Insight for Living Canada this free monthly publication is enjoyed by thousands of people across the country.
In the midst of struggles and storms, battles and trials, we focus beyond the present moment and we see victory. We see relief, because in the end, God wins!
It occurred to me that riding a bike with training wheels is like learning to say prayers.
Spiritual gifts tests can help point you to areas you may be gifted in, but another way to discover your gifts is to spend time in prayer and reflect on what you’re already passionate about.
The most valuable lesson I have learned in ministry is that you can never be too small for God to use...only too big,” Carlos says. The Lord knows His plan for His followers!
Although the word “guide” can be used in a down-to-earth way such as guiding a cart (2 Samuel 6:3), in Scripture its most frequent usage is filled with greater spiritual and providential significance.
Peter’s transformation from a rash fisherman in the Gospels to a bold witness for Christ in the book of Acts boils down to one Person—the Holy Spirit.
Because Jesus triumphed over Satan through the cross, and we are in Him, we are no longer under Satan’s control, rule, or authority. We are beyond his reach forever.
“Remember,” I told Al, “You’re the radio man. I’m the preacher man.” Allowing the Lord to guide us to the right people...and then trusting Him to guide them is an essential part of what has made us grow.
Thomas’ story is one of encouragement—he doubted, but it never overtook him. He allowed Jesus to take him from the place of uncertainty to a place of belief. I’m learning silent doubts rarely find answers.
While the word “salvation” can apply to physical rescue or deliverance it also has special significance in Scripture as a term referring to spiritual salvation.