Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Mantle of Power

When a man or woman of God dies, nothing of God dies. We tend to forget that. We get so caught up in the lives of certain individuals that we begin to think we cannot do without them. What limited thinking!

Times of Searching

Self-denial does not come naturally. It is a learned virtue (often hard-learned), encouraged by few and modelled by even fewer, especially among those who are what we've come to know as Type A personalities.

Straight Talk

The Lord strengthens those who put their trust in Him. If we are not grounded in the Word of God and seeking Him daily as our source of strength and knowledge for the future, we, too, can easily fall prey to the lure of the occult. 


Consistent Heroism

Few in the history of the Church possessed this quality of passionate heroism in greater measure than Martin Luther. It's been asserted that he was, perhaps, as fearless a man as ever lived.

Two Solemn Reminders

If you are a child of God, He will not cast you out of His family. But if you are stubbornly refusing to obey Him, continuing to walk your own way, He will bring severe discipline upon you. He loves you too much to ignore your actions. 

Look Up

God has not designed us to live like hermits in a cave. He has designed us to live in friendship, fellowship, and community with others. That's why the Church, the Body of Christ, is so very important, for it is there that we are drawn together in love and mutual encouragement.

Come Out

God showed Elijah that he still had a job to do—that there was still a place for him. Disillusioned and exhausted though he was, he was still God's man and God's choice for "such a time as this" (Esther 4:14).

When the Darkness Hits

Why did Elijah fear Jezebel's intimidating threats? Why did he run away from his long-standing priority of serving God and hide in fear under the shadow of that solitary tree, deep in the wilderness?

No Doubt

In the first verse in 1 Kings 18, there is an eloquent phrase: "The word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year." Three years! That's an incredibly long time to go without rain. We can't imagine it, can we? But God was up to something.
