Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

A Source of All Comfort

Read 2 Corinthians 1:3–7

With an eerie simplicity, George Barnard Shaw wrote:

The statistics on death are quite impressive. One out of one people die.

The Next Generation

If you have children, share your past mistakes with them and help them learn from your failures. They won’t think less of you; they’ll admire your authenticity. They will feel closer to you.

Believing God’s Promises

People who live by faith don’t focus on actuaries and statistics. When God says, “Go!” people of faith don’t waste time calculating the odds. They obey God’s instructions and refuse to live on the edge of fear.

Beyond Your Comfort Zone

God wants us to grow in faith, not only because we need Him, but also because it’s good for us. It stretches us beyond our comfort zone. Way beyond.

Friend of God

Because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has satisfied all the requirements of morality on our behalf, and because He has suffered the consequences of our moral failure, we can legitimately call God our Friend.

Finishing Well

Determine that you will never stop living until someone puts a mirror under your nose and there’s no fog. Never stop. Never give up.

Giving While You're Living

Satisfied translates from the Hebrew word sahbah, which literally means “to be full.” Abraham died with a full smile. Full of years. Full of satisfaction. Full of contentment.

Never Too Late

Do you ever struggle with narcissism, pessimism, or fatalism? What truths can you hold on to when those struggles come your way?

Willing to Go

What is God calling you to do during this part of your journey of faith? What first step can you take today?


While God may not give us such tangible signs today, he does guide us through His Word and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Our job is to ask Him—and then listen.
