Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

A Willingness to Go with God

Read Genesis 12:1–2

When God calls a servant, there is little room for negotiation. The most striking example of this is when God spoke to Abram, lifting him from obscurity and setting him on a course that would change human history.

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous. (Genesis 12:1-2)

Friendly—Inside and Out

Read Proverbs 18:24

Are you attractive? I’m not referring to external beauty nor facial features. I’m asking if you are personally attractive—magnetic, winsome, charming, friendly. Reflect carefully on this interesting proverb:

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly. (Proverbs 18:24, KJV)

Cool Skepticism

Read 2 Peter 3:3–4

Nine-year-old Danny burst out of Sunday school, eyes darting in every direction trying to locate his mom or dad. After a quick search, he grabbed his daddy by the leg and yelled, “Man, that story of Moses and all those people crossing the Red Sea was great!” His father looked down, smiled, and asked the boy to tell him about it.

A Quiet Place

Mark 6:31–32

It is almost 10:00, Monday night. The children are snoozing upstairs. Aside from a few outside noises—a passing car...a barking dog...a few, faint voices in the distance—all’s quiet on the home front. That wonderful, much-needed presence has again come for a visit—quietness. I recall when our children were little, how valuable times of silence were to both Cynthia and me.

Are You Listening?

James 1:19

How often have you heard someone say, “Are you listening to me?”

Let’s be honest: in a culture awash in cell phones, social media, and other addictive technologies, we’re losing the fine art of listening.

I don’t mean just hearing. Not simply smiling and nodding while somebody’s mouth is moving. Not merely staying quiet until it’s “your turn” to chime in. All of us are good at that game.

The Satisfaction of Being Thorough

Read Hebrews 10:12

I have just taken my Webster’s Dictionary off the shelf and looked up thorough. It means, “carried through to completion, careful about detail, complete in all respects.”

Thorough is my kind of word! I learned the importance of being thorough from my parents while growing up in south Texas. Most weren’t so fortunate.

When You Grow Up

Read Matthew 20:28

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

The answers we receive are all over the map. One youngster recently told me he wanted to be either a car mechanic or a garbage collector. When I asked why, he gave the classic nine-year-old response: “So I can get dirty!” I smiled and understood as I reflected on my own childhood.

A ''Renewed Mind'' Is Essential

Read Romans 12:1–2

Is it possible to think so much like Christ that our minds operate on a different plane than those of others around us? Not only is it possible—it’s essential!

The familiar words in Romans 12:1–2 need to be reviewed.

Two Questions

Read Psalm 42:11

When comparing the acts of forgiving and forgetting, I believe forgetting is the tougher assignment.

Why? Because forgetting is something that is shared with no other person. It’s a solo flight. All the rewards are postponed until eternity...but how great they will be on that day!

Forgetting requires us to think correctly, which means our full focus must be on the Lord and not on people. By God’s great grace, that level of freedom can be experienced.

Before we move on, let’s pause long enough to ask ourselves two questions:
