Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

Who Am I?

One of the hardest things to hear is that God is going to use someone else to accomplish something you thought was your role to fill.

True Freedom

Knowing where you stand before the Lord leads to true freedom. Being free before the Lord, you will become confident, and that is genuine security.

God Cares

When we begin to care about the things God cares about, we become people after His heart, and only then do we begin to have real freedom and real happiness.

From Fugitive to Monarch

Our tendency is to race in when there is some benefit that will come our way. Sometimes it's best to begin very quietly, to pace our first steps with great care.

Take Control

It is time to say, "Lord, don't change sides, just take over." We do, indeed, come before our Lord like sheep, not asking Him to take sides, but just to take control.

Your Epitaph

What do you think those who survive you will write as your epitaph? How will your obituary read? What words will be used in the eulogy to sum up your life?
