Resource Library

Insight for Today

Written by Chuck Swindoll, these encouraging devotional thoughts are published seven days per week.

Articles of this Type

He'll Handle It

There is no impossible situation that God cannot handle. He won't handle it necessarily your way, but He'll handle it.

Critical Decisions

Often when we are faced with a crisis, the standard, garden-variety answer is to sort of tuck your tail between your legs, run into a corner, and let cobwebs form on you. But there is a better way.

A True Friend

Friends give each other complete freedom to be themselves. When you've got a friend that close, that knitted to your own soul, you don't have to explain why you do what you do. You just do it, and your friend understands.

Cave Dwellers

I tire of hearing that the Christian life is just one silver-lined cloud after another—we're always soaring. Not so! Sometimes the Christian life includes a deep, dark cave.

Declaration of Dependence

As I look at this time in David's life, I cannot help but reflect upon Jesus and His coming from the glories of heaven to accept a bunch of malcontents and sinners like us.
