Resource Library

Straighten Up!

We live in a time where wrongdoing is rationalized and excused. We’re quick to blame others...and slow to accept responsibility for our actions. However, the reality is no one else makes our choices for us. A sign of maturity is admitting our offences and making things right.


Jealousy is a sin, which cannot be hidden. It starts small but ultimately leads to envy, strife, and conflict. Whether it’s at home, at work, or on a team jealousy always promotes bitterness. The only cure is contentment. When you accept where you are and who you are, you’re able to contentedly live your life...and give others the freedom to do the same.


Genesis 25:28

Playing favourites is nothing new. In fact, the Old Testament story of Jacob and Esau describes a family torn apart by favouritism. Parents and teachers today can learn from this family story—favouritism causes division that continues for generations.

Defiance and Misery

Proverbs 13:15

Defiance affects everyone, no matter your age. And it traps you in your selfishness, stubbornness, indifference, resistance, and contempt. Why not get rid defiance and live according to God’s Word. “Good understanding produces favor, but the way of the treacherous is hard,” (Proverbs 13:15 NASB).
