The Old Testament character of Esther is known for her courage when facing incredible odds, and obedience to God. She is a role model for us to follow!
Originally named Hadassah, when she entered the royal harem she received the Persian name Esther. Hadassah means “myrtle” in Hebrew, after the star-like flower. Esther means “star, dazzling, or brilliant one.”
Outstanding Characteristics
Courage and obedience.
This is an inspired and inspiring story of a remarkable young Jewish woman who risked her life to save her nation. A great feast is held at the palace of the Persian king Ahasuerus and when Queen Vashti refuses to parade her beauty in front of the guests, she is deposed. In her place, Esther, an orphaned cousin of Mordecai, is made queen in the court of the king. As a Jew, Mordecai refuses to bow before the government official Haman. Offended, Haman plots to wipe out the Jews. Because of her courage, Esther is instrumental in defeating Haman’s plot and saving the Jewish people. Although God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, the hand of the Lord is evident in His providential care for His people in what appears to be a perilous and hopeless situation. He is in complete control. In the end, the people who plotted against the Jews suffer defeat, while at the same time the Jews achieve a remarkable victory over their enemies.
Key Scripture
If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)
Lessons Learned
1. God’s providence
His guarding, guiding, and governing doesn’t require high visibility! God may seem distant and uninvolved in our lives, but He is neither. Realize and rest in the fact that God is always at work. His hand moves invisibly, yet with invincibility He brings His sovereign plan to completion.
2. Obedience doesn’t mean low self-esteem
Esther is a beautiful illustration of submission to God, and yet there were times that she was decisive and showed great strength of will. And God honoured it. Her obedience was first to God and her dignity was upheld.
3. Intentional influence
We aren’t willing to risk until we believe we can make a difference. You have an influence in your sphere of responsibilities that no one else has. There’s no other you in your position with your unique characteristics. God didn’t make a mistake where He has you today. His plan for your life is not His plan for any other life. It is not by chance but for a purpose. Don’t waste time trying to figure out where God wants you to be or wishing you were somewhere else. Instead allow God to do something with your life where you are, while waiting for more to come. Use your influence to help others.
4. Have courage
There is often uncertainty in obedience. They knew Esther was queen, in a position to see the king, and she wanted to save people. But no one knew for certain that’s what Esther was supposed to do. Similarly, there will be times in your life when you’ve gathered all the information you can, you’ve prayed as well as you know how, you’ve sought godly counsel and what you are doing is not sinful, but you’re still uncertain. So then sleep on it. Esther waited three days. At some point, you just have to muster the courage to move forward.
5. Remain respectful and humble
Difficult circumstances often set us up to be the vessel of untold blessing for both ourselves and others. It will always prove profitable in the long run to obey God. Esther went before the king prepared for the worst-case scenario but saved her nation from destruction. On top of that many people became followers of the Lord.
Esther, a courageous and obedient queen, dedicated her life and actions to the Lord and He used her to save a nation. Through her story we learn how to face life’s difficulties with grace and trust Him to make things right in the end.