Strengthening Your Grip On Money
None can deny that money plays an enormous role in all our lives…even when we keep our perspective and steer clear of greed.
None can deny that money plays an enormous role in all our lives…even when we keep our perspective and steer clear of greed.
Phil Callaway interviews Chuck Swindoll in this revealing article.
God can and will use this experience for good in your life. You may want to argue, ignore, or shout against your circumstances, but believe that God is working.
Often people in my courses chattered about hidden metaphor and layers of meaning. Meanwhile I'd find myself staring at the work of a revered photographer and never have any sort of insight.
The manna was more than it appeared to be—basically, it was a test. It was God's examination, carefully planned, wisely implemented, administered on a daily basis.
Pastors today constantly counsel believers struggling with depression, broken marriages, anxiety, anger, and weak self-control. They can't help but wonder, “Where's that abundant life Christ promised in John 10:10?”
Questions gnawed at my mind, making me wonder if I had missed God's plan for my life. Did I get it wrong? Where was I supposed to be? What was I meant to do? Why didn't anything make sense anymore?
As I thought about this I wondered, “Why does Jesus have to return at all?” Couldn't He just plan it so when people die they go to heaven or hell and then, when the divine Timekeeper says time has run out, it's game over?
Mortality creeps up on us all, but sometimes it lunges.
The answer to instability is the knowledge of and adherence to God's powerful and holy Word and the day by day reliance upon His Spirit for strength and hope.