Resource Library

The Best Promise Keeper

Do you know how many promises are in Scripture? How many can you name? Chuck Swindoll says they jump out at you more easily when you're doing a survey of the Bible.

1 Kings: Solomon and a Civil War

One of the haunting perils of leadership is the great divorce between what happens at the office and what happens at home. Many a man and many a woman may hit a home run at the office, but what good is it if they strike out at home? This is the dilemma Solomon faced as he rose to the position of king over Israel.

Does God Ever Worry?

What used to be a fearful concept to Chuck Swindoll is now one of his favorite themes: God's sovereignty. What does it really mean to say God is in complete control?

1 Samuel: Nation in Transition

Transition times can be disconcerting. Those who have gone through the remodeling of a home can testify to that! Likewise, changes in leadership at one’s place of employment or moves across the country or new policies and procedures set in motion bring the need to adapt. Being creatures of habit, we are disturbed by these changes.
