Life’s Most Subtle Temptation
After being pursued by Saul all over southern Israel and with the opportunity to take his vengeance, David resisted and offered us a glimpse of what it looks like to turn the other cheek.
After being pursued by Saul all over southern Israel and with the opportunity to take his vengeance, David resisted and offered us a glimpse of what it looks like to turn the other cheek.
We were created for God and just as fish are in despair out of water so the human soul is in despair when it is outside of fellowship with God. He is the source of true fulfilment and our greatest pleasure in life is to glorify and enjoy Him forever.
At the bottom of his life, all crutches removed, David crawled into a cave in the Judean wilderness. He was disillusioned, hurt, lonely, and afraid. It was, up to that time, the lowest moment of his entire life. But God had a whole new direction for him to take.
When God removes a crutch from our lives, the process is painful, but the result is beautiful. David too went through this process, just like we do.
Each time God starts a great thing, He does not turn His face from it to let it run on its own steam. You have probably experienced the same. The Great Shepherd raises up faithful leaders to keep a great work going, and that is exactly what He did with IFLC.
Following his battle with Goliath, in the backwash of that great victory, David stepped into an arena which was almost more than he could take. Knowing it was coming, God graciously provided him with a close, understanding friend. His name was Jonathan.
June 30 marks the end of our fiscal year. Our goal to reach our budget is $200,000. Achieving that goal allows us to finish this fiscal year well and continue into the next fiscal year in a good financial position, strengthened for ministry.
It’s natural for us to want to be treated fairly by others and to see others receive what they deserve. Chuck Swindoll reminds us of what the Bible says when life doesn’t seem fair.
Instead of enjoying God’s ocean of grace, many Christians are still trapped—not by sin but legalism. Legalism with its layers of restrictions cuts them off from freedom and smothers them with shame.
Goliath is doubtlessly the most famous heathen in the entire Bible. Christians and non-Christians alike are able to relate the story that transpired centuries ago in the valley of Elah. But there is so much more than a shepherd lad who killed a giant.