There is a Big World Out There
With all we have on the go, it’s easy to get tunnel vision and only focus on our own lives. But God desires us to be winsome people who model grace and godliness to a lost and hurting world.
With all we have on the go, it’s easy to get tunnel vision and only focus on our own lives. But God desires us to be winsome people who model grace and godliness to a lost and hurting world.
Does being a Spirit-filled Christian require uncontrollable “urges” and unexplainable “unctions”? So much is being promoted and printed these days that leaves the impression these are the norm, not the exception. Is that true?
We seem to accept cynicism and doubt in all professions except preaching. There seems to be an unwritten law that says, “Thou shalt not doubt, struggle, or rebel.” But the truth is, pastors are human too. They need the same grace as everyone else who has questions.
The kingdom of God is inseparably linked to the Lord Jesus Christ. Chuck Swindoll shares an interesting legend to help us live with a kingdom mentality.
As we work our way through these verses, it will become increasingly more clear that our times at Malta are just as significant as our days in Rome…maybe more so.
The greatest communicator of all time, Jesus Christ, used stories to communicate the truth about God, our lives, and our world. He often chose to employ stories when faced with a diverse crowd of people, hungry for His teaching.
As we age we become more cautious and risk getting stuck in a rut. Becoming content with a tedious lifestyle of fear bordering on boredom isn’t living, it’s existing. Where in the Scriptures do you find “Don’t exert yourself?”
Sometimes we’re tempted to drop anchor and live a safe life in a secure harbour. But the Christian life isn’t about being safe or secure—it’s abut being salt and light in a dark world.
Jesus asks for nothing less than your whole heart. Being committed to Him means saying no to your own desires, yes to what He wants, and nothing in between.
We can learn much from one particular portion of Scripture in James 5. Let’s concentrate on verses 13 through 16 as we come to terms with how the Lord would have us deal with suffering and sickness.