Resource Library

The Charming Joy of Grace Giving

When grace fuels us to forgive someone who has offended us, we abundantly release every hint of any offence. When grace is cultivated in our relationship with a friend, an abundance of bountiful freedom marks our friendship. The same bountiful abundance occurs when grace is the motivating factor prompting our giving. In other words, living by faith includes giving by grace.

Strange Times

Proverbs 28:25

People believe there’s an attachment between a good God and a prosperous income. And they pay a lot of money to hear the prosperity gospel preached. But it’s a false gospel, and it’s a trap. God and greed are poles apart.

Timeless Principles of Money Management

Whether we are single or married, younger or older, wear a hard hat or a top hat, are self-employed or climbing the corporate ladder or retired from that pressured, stressful world, God's Word provides wisdom found nowhere else in literature…and not just wisdom but inspired wisdom. Expressed in ways that are easily understood, some of the most helpful counsel has to do with managing our money wisely.
