Resource Library

Never Stop Learning

Exodus 33:12-14

Chuck Swindoll tells us to remain students for the rest of our lives. He says to those in education, “press on; never quit. Never stop studying. Never stop reading. Never stop learning. Don’t believe it because someone says it. Find out for yourself. Never stop. Press on.” That’s good advice for all of us.


John 17:3

Self-absorption is a dead end, which will never bring happiness or fulfilment. It’s only through the pursuit of knowing God we discover true contentment. And once we know God we’re equipped to truly know ourselves.

Invisible Providence

Jeremiah 29:11

Just because you can’t see God doesn’t mean He isn’t there, continually at work in your life. You may not understand what He’s doing but never doubt it—you are the object of God’s concern. And you can trust that His plan for you is perfect.

The Significance of One

John 13:35

It matters that you get involved. This doesn’t necessarily mean joining a protest march; it can be as straightforward as connecting with people and making a positive difference in their lives.

The Day of the Flies

Curiosity in the occult can lead to tragedy. What seems like harmless and innocent fun can quickly escalate to the point where you’re involved spiritually and physically. Like Chuck Swindoll says, “Watch out for the enemy. He not only plays dirty; he plays for keeps. And he’s playing for your soul.”

Standing Alone

Exodus 15:2

It takes courage to stand against the crowd and speak the truth. Sometimes it isn’t easy, and it can be isolating and lonely. But that’s how God shapes our character—when we depend solely on Him for our strength.
