A Parent's Vision
Do you have vision for your kids? It requires knowing them and influencing them in the way they should go. It takes time, patience, and understanding but the rewards of raising a secure and confident child are rich.
Do you have vision for your kids? It requires knowing them and influencing them in the way they should go. It takes time, patience, and understanding but the rewards of raising a secure and confident child are rich.
“Familiarity breeds contempt” is an old cliché because it’s nearly always true. However, before contempt, familiarity breeds complacency—a ho-hum attitude that is satisfied with the status quo. If we’re not careful, complacency will then breed cynicism, which is a kissing cousin of contempt.
Never underestimate the power of friendship. Friendships give us comfort. They strengthen, nourish, and encourage us. They take the grind out of life.
If you’d like freedom from stress and anxiety, learn how to rest. Take time to slow down. You can find peace in spite of panic.
Since heaven will be our ultimate destination, we need to spend less time complaining about our struggles and trials on earth, where we temporarily live, and more time learning as much as possible about heaven, where we will live forever.
Maturity is a choice. And it’s also a lifelong pursuit that brings you closer to being the person God meant you to be.
Nurturing a marriage takes time. And it takes work. When you're committed to your marriage you leave a legacy of faithfulness, honour, and integrity.
Chuck Swindoll revels in the heart-pounding freedom felt by a soul newly released from the shackles of sin. It's a freedom that can never be snatched away again!
These and other life-transforming truths are what we at Insight for Living Canada proclaim across this country day after day in print, on air, and online. Lives are changed by these truths.
Paul’s relationship with Timothy goes back to Paul’s earliest days as a missionary. Paul and Barnabas visited Timothy’s hometown of Lystra on Paul’s first journey around AD 47.