The Most Challenging of All Relationships (Part One)
Ephesians 5:22-6:9 presents unfamiliar, often unexplored territory in the oceans of marriage.
Ephesians 5:22-6:9 presents unfamiliar, often unexplored territory in the oceans of marriage.
In Greek the word is “koinonia,” and means a deep level of sharing life in harmony and unity. Fellowship is fulfilling and satisfying.
When you do something wrong, it is no one’s fault but yours. You can’t blame your parents, your friends, your co-workers, or anyone else. You are ultimately responsible for your actions.
Two millennia ago, God answered the anguished cry of humanity by making “the problem of evil” His own. God Almighty became Immanuel, “God with us.” He lived as we live, suffered as we suffer, died as we die, yet without sin.
If you have thick skin, you’re quick to forgive. If you’re thin skinned, you’re more likely to hang on to grudges and hurts. The perfect combination? A Soft heart and thick skin.
The Apostle Paul offers five foundational actions that bring us back to the basics of what it means to follow Christ.
The glory of the Lord was revealed in the most humble way—in a way no one expected. One day we will really understand what the word “glory” means, but for now, all we know is it's one of the heaviest and weightiest words we can use to describe our Saviour.
Even when it appears someone has achieved success overnight, it’s usually the result of persistence and perseverance. Whatever the task is, stay at it!
With the exception of the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation, the New Testament is epistle. This literary type is important to understand because we derive most of our biblical doctrine from the epistles and they decipher much of the Old Testament.
The Apostle Paul wanted us to imitate God by imitating God's Son, a point Paul elaborates further in this Ephesians 5:6-14.