Dear Friend,
We rarely, if ever, associate a miracle with a tomb.
Think about the contrast. Gloomy silence hovers over the rows of headstones, each etched with numbers signifying the permanent cessation of a life. A genuine miracle, on the other hand, offers a surprising eruption of active vitality—often leading to the continuation of life.
Such topics that stand an ocean apart can be brought together only by the power of God...which is exactly what happened when Jesus miraculously rose from the dead. Coming to the end of our year-long study of Matthew, we arrive at the miracle of all miracles. Jesus’ Resurrection transformed a tomb’s stench of death into an aroma of life. Talk about the ultimate paradox! It’s history’s greatest reversal, creation’s supreme spectacle, the Gospel’s magnificent climax. More importantly to us, it’s our Lord’s most extravagant invitation. A divine summons to join in on an eternal victory.
I so hope you’ve felt the personal weight of Jesus’ Resurrection. Here’s what I mean. God raised Him from the dead not only to:
- vindicate His innocence
- triumph over His accusers
- render void the cosmic powers of sin, death, and Satan
- validate His sacrificial death on our behalf
- bestow on us His unmerited favour
Yes. Jesus’ Resurrection achieved all these vital results. Yet, there’s another result that really brings His resurrection home to our hearts.
Because Jesus lives, we also will live with Him
The permanent cessation of life gives way to joyful souls in perfected bodies—forever delighting in heaven with Jesus, face to face.
At Insight for Living Canada, our foremost proclamation is just that: come to Christ for true joy on earth and eternal life in heaven. We’re not offering a stuffy religious routine, an airy philosophy, ear-tickling entertainment, or self-help fix-its. Our aim is nothing less than newness of life! We want all people to experience the power of Christ.
Jesus’ invite is truly extraordinary and calls on the efforts and sacrifices of ALL God’s children. So I don’t hesitate to ask you to help us proclaim Christ across the world by sending us a financial gift this month. We depend on the faithful prayers and generous donations of our supporters while pursuing Vision 195, our goal of carrying God’s truth into all 195 countries. As we embark into this holiday season, I’d be grateful if you’d take a moment to pray for us and then send whatever amount God leads you to give.
By the way, because we’re entering a holiday season that’s busy for everyone, let me end with some encouragement. Take some time to sit alone at the feet of our resurrected Lord and worship Him like the women did in Matthew 28:8–9. They fell before Him at His surprise appearance beside the tomb. He’s as alive today as He was with them back then, and He’s equally eager to be actively engaged in your company as He was to be in theirs. He’s ready to empower and use you. What are you waiting for?
Grateful for Christ’s presence and power,
Pastor Charles R. Swindoll