Resource Library

Tough Stuff

A crisis is any event that leads, or is expected to lead to, an unstable and dangerous situation, which affects an individual, family, group, community or society as a whole. Crises are deemed to be negative changes in life especially when they occur abruptly. Since a crisis is a testing time or an emergency event, we may panic, become stressed, or struggle to cope as a result.

Regardless of the reason for the crisis God is always in control. He cares about what we are going through (1 Peter 5:7) and He never forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5). God provides grace for our times of need if we humbly look to Him (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13). That grace can manifest itself in whatever we need: peace (Isaiah 26:3), comfort (Psalm 23:4), stability, protection, or guidance (Psalm 31:3). He will strengthen and uphold us (Isaiah 41:10). God also assures us that He can work in and through the crisis for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).

Resources on this Topic

The Simple Secret of an Unsinkable Life

Our need is not to think of ways to get away from the storms of life but to learn the secret of going through them. This brings us to the last words Jesus spoke in His immortal Sermon on the Mount. As He drew His remarks to a close, He used a vivid word picture of two houses, built on opposite foundations. From this familiar illustration, we can learn the secret of an unsinkable life.

King over the Flood

Can you thank God in the midst of a fearful crisis? Even through loss of life? Ney tells about a terrible flood she experienced and how she could keep her faith even through heartbreak.
