A Plea for Morality
To speak of sexual purity in a society like ours may seem futile and may make us the object of jokes and scorn, but we must.
We live in a sex-saturated society. Remaining morally pure is a battle for men and women. Elisabeth Elliot wrote, in the preface of her classic book Passion and Purity: “The love life of a Christian is a crucial battleground. There, if nowhere else, it will be determined as to who is Lord: the world, the self and the devil, or the Lord Christ.”1
We want to help you win that battle, with the right weapons and armour at your disposal. Our resources on purity will serve as an encouragement to anyone who wants to pursue a morally pure life. And for those who have regrets, you'll also find grace, forgiveness, and some suggested tools to help you maintain purity in an impure world.
1. Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ's Control (Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1984), 12.
To speak of sexual purity in a society like ours may seem futile and may make us the object of jokes and scorn, but we must.
At the height of his success, King David fell in the midst of battle. But his lost battle wasn’t against the lion, the bear, the giant, or the Philistines. David lost the battle against himself.
People ask this question because there is no reference to God or the Law in Song of Solomon and it seems explicit in celebrating sexual love. Through the centuries it has been one of the most controversial books in the Bible.
Solomon fell for the sensual lure of self-gratification. He landed in the pit of emptiness.
The world needs a return to integrity, not sinless perfection but absolute honesty and an absence of duplicity. Impossible? Let's let Daniel's life answer that for us.
And when this stunningly gorgeous gal takes your arm and pulls you down the aisle, the minister talks but you don't hear him. You're too busy staring daggers at the boy you've been trying to keep on curfew for months.
When I was about eight I stole something. This event ranks as one of the top 10 of all my childhood memories, right up there with nearly drowning. I remember it so clearly.
Just a quick glance at the daily news reveals a world filled with compromise, scandal, and dark secrets. One thing lacking in so many of our would-be heroes and media-made mentors is integrity.
One of Satan's greatest lies is that there is no urgency in life. He fools us into thinking there will always be plenty of time in the future to explain to our little ones about God, salvation, and the Bible.
We think of the honeymoon as the beginning of the marriage—that initial burst of physical love—that period of passionate ecstasy between the wedding ceremony and the return to the normal responsibilities of everyday life. Nothing is wrong with thinking about the honeymoon in this way. But it does imply that the honeymoon is only for newlyweds and is only temporary.