STS Study Excerpt: The Integrity of a Loyal Husband
Father, when I’m tempted to compromise my convictions and break my vows, remind me of Uriah’s example of consistency, commitment, trustworthiness, and loyalty to the end.
Father, when I’m tempted to compromise my convictions and break my vows, remind me of Uriah’s example of consistency, commitment, trustworthiness, and loyalty to the end.
Moral foundations almost always collapse through slow erosion. But once they collapse, not even mighty men can stand.
At the height of his success, King David fell in the midst of battle. But his lost battle wasn’t against the lion, the bear, the giant, or the Philistines. David lost the battle against himself.
Join us as we worship the Lord, whose love and light break through the darkness. As Pastor Chuck continues his series on walking in integrity through adversity, we will look at another lesser-known person in Scripture—one who is eclipsed in the shadow of his better-known wife, Bathsheba. Listen as we meet and learn from the life of Uriah.
Those of us looking at David's life may use different words to say the same thing about his fatal experience with Bathsheba. We might call it the most distressing episode of David's life; some will see it as an exceedingly dark day; others will lament how the mighty have fallen.