The following mini-study is presented to familiarize you with Pastor Chuck’s method of Bible study and provide an opportunity to study the passage yourself.
“Although deceived by the man he trusted most, Uriah died with honour. How magnificent was this man of integrity!” —Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
Uriah was a man of integrity and an elite soldier named among David’s mightiest warriors (2 Samuel 23:39). But Uriah’s character was proven at home rather than the battlefield through commitment, consistency, and trustworthiness. Let’s learn how we can keep our integrity, even when the people we most admire have completely lost theirs.
Prepare Your Heart
We begin by opening our hearts to receive the truth God has for us in Scripture. In your journal, write down an invitation to the Lord to light your path through His Word.
Turn to the Scriptures
Our key passage for this study is 2 Samuel 11.
As king, David answered to no one and did whatever he pleased. He sent his commander, Joab, to fight the Ammonites while he “stayed behind in Jerusalem,” taking his ease (2 Samuel 11:1).
Lust overtook David when he eyed Bathsheba from his rooftop, sent for her, and “slept with her” (11:4). Their affair came to light “when Bathsheba discovered that she was pregnant” (11:5). Rather than confess his sin, David plotted a shameful cover-up involving Bathsheba’s loyal husband—Uriah.
Observation: Uriah, a Man of Integrity
As you observe the passage, follow the author’s progression of thought as Uriah remained loyal and true to his convictions while David piled up one sin after another.
According to 2 Samuel 11:6–8, how did David first try to cover up his sin?
According to 2 Samuel 11:9–12, what did Uriah do and what reasons did he give David?
What character qualities did Uriah demonstrate?
According to 2 Samuel 11:13, what did David try next to soften Uriah’s resolve? What additional actions further demonstrated Uriah’s character?
Exploiting Uriah’s trustworthiness and obedience, David gave Uriah a letter to take to Joab, knowing Uriah would not open it. According to 2 Samuel 11:14:17, what treachery did Uriah deliver with his own hand? What did Uriah do that demonstrated his character all the way to the end?
The appalling charade continued in the tragic aftermath when Joab sent word of Uriah’s death to David. According to 2 Samuel 11:18–25, what sarcastic undertone do you observe in Joab’s message to David? What hypocrisy drips from David’s response?
How does the author conclude this dark chapter in 2 Samuel 11:26–27?
Interpretation: Uriah and David in Contrast
To interpret the passage, we seek to understand the meaning that the author intended for his original audience. A clue is revealed in the number of times the author refers to Uriah as “the Hittite,” a foreigner (2 Samuel 11:3, 6, 17, 21, 24).
In boldest strokes, the author contrasted the indecency of the king with the nobility of the foreigner to give the strongest warning that no one is above God’s moral law.
What truth does the author make in 2 Samuel 11:27 that every follower of God must understand?
Summarize the lesson the author teaches through his contrast of Uriah’s integrity and David’s sin.
Correlation: Uriah’s Good Name, David’s Lingering Shame
According to Psalm 32:3–4, how did David’s sin detrimentally impact his life?
Psalm 51 records David confessing to God his sin with Bathsheba and asking Him for forgiveness. Which lines stand out to you as a model of confession for us when we sin?
Application: Four Lessons to Ponder
First, we learn how magnificently a man of integrity and loyalty like Uriah can live his life. In our day of moral darkness, a person of honourable character lights up the sky like a comet with their consistent commitment and trustworthiness. How magnificent! Ask God to help you be the Uriah in your family, at work, and in your community.
Second, we learn how hypocritically a person of importance and authority can hide his or her sins like David did. When we receive promotions, people respect us and look up to us. Not once did Uriah question David or think his king capable of such evil. Learn from David’s tragic fall to stay accountable and humble for the sake of those who trust you.
Third, we learn how treacherously someone under the authority of another, like Joab, can assist in their leader’s wrongdoing. Joab was a co-conspirator in Uriah’s death. He knew it was wrong to have the man killed. Be careful about blindly following a leader and not confronting his or her sin.
Fourth, we learn how completely our God knows, sees, and hears everything about us. We may be accountable to no one on earth, but all remain accountable to heaven.
What lesson from Uriah’s account do you find most fitting to your situation? What should you do this week to follow this principle?
A Final Prayer
Father, when I’m tempted to compromise my convictions and break my vows, remind me of Uriah’s example of consistency, commitment, trustworthiness, and loyalty to the end. May those who look up to me find me faithful to my promises and bold to always do right, even when those I admire are doing wrong. In the end, all honour and praise for everything I do well goes to You, my King. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Go to insightforliving.ca/husband to download the full-length Searching the Scripture Study and listen to Pastor Chuck’s message.